
Waketime Stories


Waketime Stories


Sheetz wanted to bring awareness to their self-serve coffee.


We created the first ever book scientifically designed to wake you up. For people that forget to drink their morning Sheetz coffee.

Little Black Book


Kids have bedtime stories, why don’t adults have waketime stories?

The book triggered all of your senses in order to wake you up. Stories were all inspired by our consumers and had a moral which was: bad things happen when you forget your coffee.

Touch: Oversized book weighing at 6.6 lbs. forced you to use strength to hold and flip thru pages.
Hear: Pages played loud sound effects with frequencies over 2khz which wake you up.
Sight: Illustrations are in the warm color range which increases heart rate.
Smell: Scratch offs included offensive smells (sharting) and coffee to increase alertness.
Taste: We offered the book holder a free cup of coffee for completing the book.


Wakeup alarms

We made custom alarm tones that people could download for personal use.